一、 基本情况
二、 教育工作经历:
三、 科研情况:
① 国家自然科学基金青年项目,抗生素在粘土矿物表面的光解行为及机理研究(41403083),2015.01-2017.12,主持。
② 湖北省教育厅科学研究计划重点项目,粘土矿物表面吸附态抗生素的光降解研究(D20141305),2015.01-2017.12,主持。
③ 湖北省优秀中青年科技创新团队计划项目,光电功能材料与器件(T2020008),2020.09-2023.09,参与。
[1] Qi Cheng, Xiaomin Hou, Jianrong Wang, Qingfeng Wu*, Zhaohui LI, Weibin Zhang, 2021. Influence of suspended natural sands on the photolysis of ciprofloxacin in water , Arab. J. Chem. 14, 103369.
[2] Jianrong Wang, Weibin Zhang, Qingfeng Wu*, Shufang Gao, Yuanyuan Jin, Yi Xiao, Yan Chen, 2021.The electronic and optical properties of Au decorated dolomite surface: A first principles calculations , Results Phys. 21, 103827.
[3] Qingfeng Wu*, Kristen Carlson, Qi Cheng, Xisen Wang, Zhaohui Li, 2021. Interactions between cationic dye Toluidine Blue and fibrous clay minerals, Crystals 11, 708.
[4] Xiaomin Hou, QiCheng, Jianrong Wang, Qingfeng Wu*, Weinbin Zhang, 2021. Combined first-principles calculations and experimental study on the photocatalytic mechanism of natural dolomite, RSC. Adv. 11, 24416.
[5] Lihong Song, Chunlin Yi, Qingfeng Wu*, Zhaohui Li, Weibin Zhang, Hanlie Hong, 2020. Photocatalytic degradation of diphenhydramine in aqueous solution by natural dolomite , RSC. Adv. 10, 38663.
[6] Chunlin Yi, Lihong Song, Qingfeng Wu*, Zhaohui Li, Weibin Zhang, Ke Yin, 2020. Enhanced photodegradation of diphenhydramine in aqueous solution containing natural sand particles, RSC. Adv. 10, 17228.
[7] 却中保, 卢文祥, 肖雯, 罗春梦, 袁红, 吴青峰*, 2019. 长江水体悬浮颗粒物中重金属元素的LIBS分析, 激光杂志, 40(5), 31-34.
[8] Qingfeng Wu*, Zhongbao Que, Zhaohui Li, Shanjun Chen, Weibing Zhang, Ke Yin, Hanlie Hong, 2018. Photodegradation of ciprofloxacin adsorbed in the intracrystalline space of montmorillonite , J. Hazard. Mater. 359, 414-420.
[ 9] 吴青峰*, 石俊, 黄达, 郝东元, 陈善俊, 熊艳, 王阳恩, 2017. 利用蒙脱石富集实现水中痕量铬的LIBS测量, 激光杂志, 38(4), 21-24.
[10] 吴青峰*, 郝东元, 石俊, 黄达, 陈善俊, 熊艳, 王阳恩,2016. 利用蒙脱石富集实现水中痕量铜元素的激光诱导击穿光谱测量, 激光与光电子学进展, 53, 113003.
[11 ] P. H. Chang, W. T. Jiang, Z. Li, C. Y. Kuo, Q. F. Wu, J. S. Jean, G. Lv, 2016. Interaction of ciprofloxacin and probe compounds with palygorskite PFl-1, J. Hazard. Mater. 303: 55-63.
[12] Q. F. Wu, T. Zhang, Z. Li, H. L. Hong, K. Yin, J. S. Jean, W.T. Jiang, 2014. Using probing compounds to investigate adsorption mechanism of ciprofloxacin on montmorillonite, Mater.Technol. 29, B100-B107.
[ 13] Qingfeng, Wu , Zhaohui Li, Hanlie Hong, Rongbiao Li, Wei-The Jiang, 2013. Desorption of ciprofloxacin from clay mineral surfaces, Water Res. 47, 259-268.
[14] Qingfeng Wu, Zhaohui Li, Hanlie Hong, Ke Yin, Liyun Tie, 2013. Adsorption and intercalation of ciprofloxacin on montmorillonite, Appl. Clay Sci. 50, 204-211.
[15 ] Qingfeng Wu, Zhaohui Li, Hanlie Hong, 2013. Adsorption of the quinolone antibiotic nalidixic acid onto montmorillonite and kaolinite, Appl. Clay Sci. 74, 66-73.
[ 16]Wu Qingfeng, Li Zhaohui, Hong Hanlie, Influence of exchangeable cation types and charges on the adsorption of ciprofloxacin on montmorillonite, 2012. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed. 27(3), 516-522 .
[17] Qingfeng Wu, Hanlie Hong, Xiaoling Zhang, 2012. Studies on the adsorption of p-Aminoazobenzene onto kaolinite, The Open Surface Science Journal,4, 14-18.
[18] 吴青峰, 洪汉烈, Li Zhaohui, 环境中抗生素污染物的研究进展, 2010. 安全与环境工程, 17(2),68-72.